Skiing at Pineland Farms: Do’s and Dont’s

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Winter is right around the corner, which means ski season is approaching quickly! As we anxiously await opening day here at Pineland Farms, please be cautious of the inconsistencies that early-season skiing can bring. To help you safely get back on the trails, here are some of the Do’s and Dont’s of early-season skiing:

Skiing at Pineland Farms

Don’ts of Skiing at Pineland Farms:

  • Don’t go too early. Some trails may still have a lot of bare spots that could make for a very frustrating ski.
  • Don’t hammer it. Go for long, slow and easy skis to rebuild fitness. There’s a much higher risk of injury early in the season as you are working muscles that haven’t been worked by skiing since last season.
  • Don’t forget to consider other users and your own safety.

Do’s of Skiing at Pineland Farms:

  • Do check trail conditions here or call the Outdoor Center before heading out. Conditions can change hourly this time of year.
  • Do focus on form. Now is the time to get your technique back, not your heart rate or speed.
  • Do wax wisely. Skis can oxidize through the summer and create a film of dust and grime. They should be brushed, waxed, hot-boxed, then scraped. Then, a coat of hard wax should be applied, scraped and brushed. Choose a basic blue hard with blue extra kick wax to deal with more varied conditions. Avoid yellow.
  • Do talk to our Shop and Nordic Center staff about layering waxes, which trails are in the best condition, your gear inventory and what they’re wearing in current conditions.
  • Do exercise extra caution about trail hazards, such as ice. Ice is often a problem with the thaw and freeze cycles of December.

We hope these help you start off the season right. Keep a close eye on our trail report daily for more news on when skiing is available! We look forward to hosting you on our trails this winter, with rentals and lessons available!

Skiing at Pineland Farms

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